Em Hotep

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Greater Ritual of Opening the way

The following ritual is part of a two fold operation, this one specifically designed to prepare the Ka of the practitioner to enter Ma'at. It prepares one to tread within the holy realms and opens the self up to the divine light of Ra, whilst utilizing this light to punish Apap and his servents, removing all influence upon the Ka as well as telling the heart to obey the Ba. I am not explaining the symbolism, not out of lazyness, but rather the fact I have no desire to discuss it. This ritual has special significance to me, and is one of my favourites ever written...


Hail unto he whom is ever in motion! He who preserved his fathers body! Ever eternal one that see's into the hidden depths of the duat in truth! Anpu! Thou beautiful Jackal! Preserver of the heart! I invoke thy name with the voice of Hu! Annunciation is within my tongue! Heka in mine throat and Sia in my sight! My voice echo's the will of Ma'at and glorifies thee in your infinity!

Break open the veil oh lord! Jackal of Jackals! Strip forth the separation between the realms and let me walk within thee! For the ectasy of knowing thou filleth my heart with joy and I rejoice in thine company as thou opens the way into thyself!

You walls between the worlds!
OPEN BY HU, OPEN WITH SIA, OPEN THROUGH MY HEKA, OPEN TO ME OH MA'AT! Measure me on thy scales and make my heart worthy you gods! That I may praise the Enneads and the primordial Ogdoad! That Ma'at may establish herself as my sovereign! I am strong as Sekhmet and knowing as the Ibis bird! My toes are the divine Falcons and my throat the throat of the god that speaketh the word that is the phoenixs name! I have leapt up the heights of Shu and stood with my feet upon the Celestial cow! Make me great that I may tread upon his barque! He whom is everlasting! Atum!! Let me be completed oh you gods! As I make mineself bleed in admiration of thou!

(Here – the Magician shall cut his chest deeply, and stamp four times, followed by ringing a bell four times. At the names of the four sons, he shall face their direction and repeat the fourfold actions)

I know the names of those four gods in their principalities! In the east stands a Jackal who's name is Duamutef! Glory to his giver! Neith!

In the South stands the mighty man! Imseti! Glory to his giver whom is Aset

In the West stands the mighty hawk! Qebesenoof! Glory to his giver who's name is Serket!

In the North stands the mighty Baboon! Hapi! Glory to his giver Nebet-het!

Behold oh thou heavens that I know the directions, and I open the way into myself and my Ba is revealed to me! May I become the Sahu and unite my Ka and Ba with my Ib! May I live forever within Ma'at for she is eternal! May I awaken with strength in my heart as the Ra rises that I may praise him! Even as I feel the kiss of Shu upon my lungs and the embrace of Tefnut in my body! For I am he who stands with his feet upon Gebeb and with his head within Nut! I am a follower of the gods and I do not submit to the will of the serpent! I excorcise and repel him! I stamp on his face, and I spit at him with wrath! I slice open his belly and cut out his entrails even as I burn him in offering to Ra! For I have routed his followers in the name of the god Amun! For I have heard the song of the Benu bird in my heart and I have been reborn! So I cry in love of thou oh Anpu! Open the way for me! That I may make myself worthy before thee and enter thine domain! Release my Ba from its bondage and the Ka from its chains! Make the heart true and steadfast within Ma'at! This I beg of thee oh lord as I am delivered from the serpent!


The next ritual to go along with this (Performed a week later) is the establishing of Ma'at.

This will (probably) Be given when its written...

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Enochian - End of Stage one

So today will be the final working with Cabmo, after a lot of changes have made themselves appear in my life.

Originally, I planned on working with Cabmo, then the Dispositor Angel beneath him in the eastern table. However, another thought has come to mind. instead of working with the next angel in the east, which could risk stagnation in the "black phase" and leave me unable to move up to the white phase (Its a constant cycle after all), I should probably move up to the Angel of the white phase, and so on and so forth. Then return to the Angel under Cabmo.

With that, I should undergo a fair few needed changes, with a month under each angel (Making the entire operation last a year, with a ritual each week) although it is possible that I end up taking a break in between operations for a month

(IE: I work with Cabmo, Cpaco, Ropna, Rdatt, then take a break, then begin again with the angels under each of them)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Planatery layers in the sphere of sensation

The Microcosm is in the Macrocosm, and so on and so forth....

I find it, interesting to note, that the "Solar" sphere, is often viewed as internal. And, after reading somewhere (From a trusted source) about Saturn, ruling the edges of ones sphere. I decided to figure out where the rest of the planets fit in to the different layers of the sphere.

If Solar, is generally viewed as "Internal", often in the heart, or the crown as its throne. Then it is interesting to note that its the (and I'm aware I sound like a retard) center of the Solar system.

Looking through the "Order" of the planets, we can see the different layers, as Saturn was the furthest planet away from Solar, that the ancients where aware of.

Here's the rough guess...

The Sun, in the center. Taking/being the aspect of Ra within man (Ra cried us into being, therefore we are part of him)

Then we have Mercury, followed by Venus. Obviously, they represent the intellectual and Emotional state, although the relationship is probably far more detailed, at this time I know little (Of any of this subject really)

Then earth, reflecting the physical body and then Luna,  of course being the "Astral" or etheric bodies, sitting somewhat on the very edges of the body (Just like Luna hangs outside the earths gravity)

Then we would have Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The way this is laid out I'm not sure of yet, but it does give me a way to map out the sphere of sensation for now (Though I havn't used it in practical, but plan too soon)

Also interesting, and probably noticed by most people already is that the final three, conform to the Sephiroth, Binah to Chesed, To Geburah.

Ah fuck this I'm too tired, Half finished, I'm done!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Enochian Operation - Black Phase stage one - Cabmo

I performed my ritual as planned.

The operation went smoothly, and Cabmo was successfully invoked.

Results, have been achieved though due to personal reasons will not be discussed.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Enochian Watchtower Work - Black phase - Planner

I'm hoping to start working in the Enochian Watchtowers again, as so far I've only experienced the system twice, once under the Dee and the second under Golden Dawn technique. I found the system more than capable, and easily achieved the necessary results,

I've been looking for an excuse to start the system for awhile now, and am planning a large operation to begin the alchemical "black phase" of my soul. This would be the burning of the personality, to the point that the impurities and the need for change is so great, that transmutation is REQUIRED. This would be akin to the Shamanic or "little" death, that as a friend calls it.

As the different angles are linked to different colors, and though My books not here right now, I remember the Eastern Tower being black, and these the position of the Dispositor Angels of Transformation.

Therefore, the angels I will be evoking are

Abmo - prefixed with C
NacO - prefixed with O
ocnm - prefixed with M
Shal - prefixed with A

Firstly beginning with CAbmo

The operation is going to consist of the First Call, to bring myself upwards.

This will be followed by the 7th call, and finished with the 11th. (7th referencing the East, and the 11th also referencing the Eastern house, also mentioning death, though the usage of it is unknown to me...)

Followed by the call shall be the conjuration, this will take place via the normal methods of mentioning Hierarchy etc etc.

The ritual will be performed on Saturday, most likely during the hour of Saturn.

Kinda looking forward to this ritual, whilst also dreading it, as Enochian is renowned for its potency, and this (The alchemical phase)  is something that is supposed to be painful... Lets put the insanely potent system together with the insanely painful


Thursday, 30 August 2012

An Kemetic Excorcism Ritual

I've always wanted to make an excorcism ritual...

A problem I've noted, in many pagans is that we don't take hostile spirits quite as seriously as others might... The ATR's, the Ceremonial Magicians, and most other groups take their own steps against such spirits. However, we ourselves actually have very little in the way of excorcism. This ritual, requires the (FULL) assumption of the godform of Heru Sa Aset (Horus son of Isis) before being performed. Without it, the ritual can work with Sympathetic magic, and as a petition to the gods, but loses a massive part of its efficiency.

Originally, when I did this I considered making use of the "Chain of Solomon" as given in the munich manual. However, obviously that would be a qabbalastic name, and to be honest as a Kemetic, I have a problem using the names that supposedly caused the Biblical plagues in egypt (Not that I believe they did, but rather I imagine this chapter of the Bible and using Literal Qabbalah techniques is how the names are derived)

This ritual is a series of threats, and also to me feels outright potent. I guess it could also be used as a curse....

Note that the Kemetic words are

"Apep the enemy is siezed by the arms and beaten before Ra"
"The Rebel enemy is seized by the arms and beaten before me, who is Heru the perfect god"

The Kemetic tongue is to be vibrated upon each word. It should also help with the mental state.

Oh thou of Isfet, behold my might that is the might of Sekhmet
Tremble before the terror of the goddess who's wrath enflameth itself unto thee
For you have transgressed unto this temple of the gods and have rebelled against Ma'at
and turned on Ra!

Behold oh thou foe, that Khonsu have encircled thee and by his authority you have fallen before me
But it is Ra who does encircle me, and so I am within Ma'at who whispers the truth into my ear and scatters thy lies!
The imperishable stars observe and will thy defeat, even as the Enneads of the four directions come with their scourges to punish thee and pursue thee!
The tormentors of Shu and the Executioners of Sekhmet seek thy defeat, for they are entreated upon and praised as those followers of the great gods!

Apap  khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at  Ra
Em sebi khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at wi win'en Heru Neter Nefer

Thy rebel spirit, Submit unto me and swear an oath of servitude unto Ma'at towards me,
Lest the heavens should turn thee out, and Ausar rejects thee!
For thy heart should be thrown to Ammut if you wouldst challenge me and my authority!

Apap  khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at  Ra
Em sebi khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at wi win'en Heru Neter Nefer

Oh unclean one! I am Heru sa Aset, the mighty son who's strength is great! I am Strong as Herwu and Terrible as Set! and Set has taken thee unto the nile, and drowned thee in its holy waters! For Hapi and Sobek are wrathful at thy cause oh spirit! For you have rebelled against the Shining eye of Herwu!
You have spread Isfet amongst the followers of the gods, and you have promoted discord against the Enneads! Fear me, unclean one! For thy punishment approaches if thou would remain here!

Apap  khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at  Ra
Em sebi khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at wi win'en Heru  Neter Nefer

By the names of Anpu! Npua! Puan! Uanp!
The jackal who doth never sleep but ever stand as lord of the twilight!
By the great god Khonsu! Who did Preserve the foreigners and protect his followers!
By Wepwawet! Epwawetwa! Perwawetaw! Wawetpew! The glorius one who preserves the temple
You art subject unto me and obey my commands! Begone from this place spirit! For I have the wrath of the heavens in my Ab! (Heart)

Apap  khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at  Ra
Em sebi khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at wi win'en Heru  Neter Nefer

By these divine names, I do make all spirits verily subjected unto me, be their nature of heavens or the earth!
Celestial, Or Infernal! Of the Serpent or of Ra! Of Isfet or of Ma'at! It is with divine authority, as that holy eye of Heru that I would command and punish them that they obey me as that Nisuit of the heavens whose name is the Son of Aset!

Apap  khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at  Ra
Em sebi khufty i'at'ja hw'et kher hwa'at wi win'en Heru Neter Nefer!

Monday, 27 August 2012

Interesting development

So since I started work with Gremory, its been interesting to note that I've had nightmares for the last few days..

Now, I'm not a fan of banishing external energies, and I wasn't expecting anything bad to happen to me from this working. However due to the...disturbing nature of the images, I performed a banishing ritual this morning. (I DO NOT banish on a daily basis, rather I invoke divine energies into my temple and sphere which is far more powerful than simply removing the "other" energies, as those energies overwhelm and scatter the hostile ones. Personally I find a banishing good for personal mental disquiet or stress, when even my gods energies will make my head scream and pop)

The first dream, I don't remember.

The second Dream, took place whilst I wore my Enochian Ring, The worker of wonders - PELE. As I do when I feel threatened. (Also note, that whilst wearing this I usually have pretty heavy dreams) and involved Giants breaking into a castle, that was shaped like helms deep. They where giant yellow things... don't remmeber much more.

Thirdly, last night was the most troubling.

I had blagged my way into a hotel and gotten free rooms, however only to eavesdrop on friends. The final result, somehow is watching a father rape his daughter in a cellar....Me and my friends stumbled in on him and went to kill him, then I awoke.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

First Lemegeton based Evocation

So I evoked the spirit Gremory today, and it was definately worth it.

He was co-operative and helpful, with none of the hassle I'd been worrying about.

I started of by drawing the circle out of chalk (traditional excluding certain parts of it that needed replacement) at around 12pm along with the triangle.

This was followed by the Ritual at around 8pm, of which I Evoked him whilst wearing Ritual robes, Pentacle of Solomon, Bearing the Siggilium Dei Aemeth in my hand, wearing the PELE ring of Solomon, and also the  Enochian Lamen. By multiple divine names I called him and he came, as was made clear by a small change of the incense smokes colour to orange every twenty seconds or so.

In return for my desires, I gave him the following offerings

During the ritual - Food, Drink and Incense

If I recieved a Dream reply to my petition (In case my scryin sucked) I will give - 1 bottle of wine

If the task is completed in 1 month - Blood, Food & Drink, (A cooked meal and tea)  WHOLE 15 pack of incense to him, another bottle of wine, 7 days of 5 minute energetic meditations to his seal, (one of these I shall use 5 candles)  and also I will buy a Silver ring and bury it in honour of him.

Within 2 months, upon completion I shall give - Blood, food, drink, a whole pack of incense, and another Bottle of wine

The above, was for an extremely important job, and so wasn't too much. In fact a good price for what I get out of it...

I will also spread his name around and make sure people are encouraged to work with him...Seriously, if this worked and he does as requested, then he is worth working with.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Talisman of Earth

The following ritual is designed to create a Tablet or Talisman of earth.

The ritual is based primarily on the association with Four and its connection to this element, the nature of Heh as being in assiah, and the element of Earth being the primary aspect of Assiah and therefore is also connected to the number four, Heh being the fourth tettragrammaton. Also of importance is that 4 holds symbolism in Kemet as completion, if we follow the associations given in David Rankines book Heka. This is shown through the four legs of the heavenly cow etc, and therefore links with the idea of the Heh.

There are four symbols, the name of Gebeb, the earth god of Kemet at the bottom in Heiroglyphs. Auriel at the left hand side, the words NANTA (Earth) in enochian at the top and the name of the Archangel Sandalphon and the letter HEH on the right hand side. Also in the centre is the Alchemical symbol of earth, surrounded by four Heh's that create a swastika that represents the four directions.

The talisman. The block on the right is supposed to be a foot
The image SHOULD be carved or painted onto a large flat rock.
The Consecration Ritual and Invocation of the Symbolism to intergrate it

The earth be praised, for behold thou it is the final manifestation of the heavens, it is complete and is!
Behold that this place is filled with the breath of Nanta for as it hath grown from the spark into being.
These words shalt come into being as they too emerge from the spark
So I do duly and sincerely consecrate this Tablet of Earth by the name of N-A-N-T-A
Now it is by the name of H-E-H the fourth, of Y-O-D  H-E-H  V-A-U  H-E-H
and by the divine agency of S
-A-N-D-A-L-P-H-O-N that this tablet would become the truth of Earthly manifestation and its completion as Assiah. 
Most glorious is the Tettragrammaton, and S-A-N-D-A-L-P-H-O-N who is in H-E-H
Thirdly, I do consecrate this image by the authority of the north who is ruled thus by A-U-R-I-E-L and under him I empower thee by P-O-R-L-A-K-H and thus you art the Dry Coldness of the earth
May you be Hale oh thou great Angels, may the divine bless thine station and authourity as it blesses this Tablet with its earthly presence
And now, fourthly and finally for four is the number of the earth and completion, for it is the number of the Lesser Heh who is the reciever, and also for those four pillars and the four legs of the Cow, also that is four in count is the heavens, earth, sky and beneath within the halls of Ausar, but behold thou that before the halls be reached that the earth must be opened and thus the Hall of Geb must be made access unto, therefore by the name and divinity of Geb I do consecrate this Tablet fourthly and finally, that it may act as the Key unto the earth behold thou of earth that this Tablet is the divine earth and completion in itself, for it is the very essence, and from it, the cycle begins again 


Method of Evoking and Scrying the Spiritual Genius

The following is being posted after I boasted about finally being able to scry to Rufus Opus, who's blog is Here. Who then asked me the methods I had used. The method I used is actually based partially on my own with the exception of the usual evocation Procedure and also the name derivement of my Genius. The deriving of the name came from RO's book regarding the Genius and it is something definately worth obtaining for those who don't already have it!

The method I used involved certain tools and was more effective than others I've used so far.

The first of these tools, is the Triangle of Manifestation, based on the Triangle of Art however with the Godnames being changed to Kemetic Deities, firstly being

Sia, - Perception
Nut - The deity whom is the heavens
Geb - The deity who is the earth upon which we walk and beneath whom is the underworld.

Both the last two deities (who are also lovers, heaven and earth until seperated by Shu) are also Cthonic in nature, underneath Geb we have the underworld, and also upon and above Nut we have another realm where the god Ra sails upon and is devoured to be reborn from Nut. Therefore we can see that these two deities are potent for establishing otherworldly connections with Heavenly, Cthonic, Elemental, Planatery and Earthly spirits and allow the triangle to "Bridge" those realms together that it may act as a Portal.

The final name Sia, acts to allow perception of these energies and spirits.

  The gods Nut, Shu and Geb. Nut is on top, Geb beneath.
Shu (Air) holds them up. There is a LOT of symbolism in this image, 
and a papyri version hangs on my wall.

The Triangle of Manifestation

With the Triangle of Manifestation and Perception, I also thought back on something said by the Angel Michael to John Dee regarding the Sigillium Dei Aemeth of the Enochian Magic system  (Reference: Dean Wilsons Enochian in Theory and John Dee's Diaries.) 

"Note, out of this circle shall no creature pass that entereth, if it be made upon the earth. My meaning is, if he be defiled. This shalt thou prove to be a mystery unknown to man. Beasts, birds, foul and fish do all reverence to it. In this they were all created. In this, is all things contained."

Therefore I feel that the symbolism of the Sigillium (or at least, the outer circle to which the above was a reference too) is almost certainly appropriate  in combination with the Triangle. (Admittedly, its mixing the traditions, but it works! the important part) as both of these things represent the universe and the manifestation, and infinite of the divine, as well as the Sigillium being able to contain any hostile spirits as shown by Michaels quote.

Therefore, for this reason I decided to place the Sigillium over the black circle.

Those are the tools I used anyway as well as candles and incense and robes etc etc.

The next part, is the usage of my standard ritual routine. Prayer, and meditation as well as the Invocation Ritual of the Solar Eye of Heru (Horus) to clear the space and consecrate it. (The invocation of the Luna eye being performed on Full moons only, as when the Moon wanes the eye has been cut out by Set)
Finally was the invocation of My Genius who goes un-named. However the Ritual in Enochian shall be written here with NAME replacing the genius name.


"Adoian Baltoh Alar Anetab Casarm I Aziazor I-I Iad Aoiveae NAME Biab Dooaip La I Idlvgam Iadpil Molap Gohol Ils NAME Imvamar Lansh Mirc Cordziz Casarm Cicle Brin Camliax Eol Emetgis De Aoiveae Casarma Gnai Noasmi Hoath

Gohvs F NAME Fafen Faaip Matorb Micalzo Hom Mirc Manin Molap"


"The face of Rightousness hath settled in goverment to whom is in likeness and is the god.
The star ____ Stands in the name of the first and is given to him of men, saying Oh thou _____ Apply yourself to us in power exalted, upon man to whom the mysteries have spake. I made the seal of the star whom does let them become a true worshipper

I say visit us ______ to the intent that your voices echoing in power lives upon the mind of men"

The meaning and intent being that the first part references the Divine spark within man, and recognizes the authority of the Genius whilst the second part speaks of a star assigned to man (who is the Genius)  and it beseeches him to apply himself to the Magus through the fact that the magus seeks the divine and therefore through the divine does the Genius appear.  The final part, references the creation of the seal/Sigil of the spirit and asking the voice of the Genius to speak in the mind of the Magician that he may have his attention.

Once performed I meditated upon my Crystal ball above the Sigillium (shown in the image) and Asked the Angel Michael to provide me assistance in scrying. The great angel obliged me kindly and it was (for the first time ever in my scrying career) a success! 

In short

Ritual format used

1. Prepare tools, Light incense and Candles and Don robes
2. Perform Ritual such as LBR, Invocation of The Solar Eye (As given later on) or other consecration of space
3. Give Prayers to the deities Sia, Nut and Geb, recognizing their authority as well as any other deities.
4. Pray the Genius appear before you under the divine and place his Seal or Sigil on your chest and on the triangle
5. Invoke the Genius via the Enochian ritual
6. Stare at the Crystal ball and tap into the energies of the seal on your chest and the triangle and thank Genius for coming. Then...erm...Talk!

Friday, 18 May 2012

An adoration of Anpu

Oh thou beloved lord, Unto thee the mystery
Thou art, My master, to whom I give myself utterly unto
Thy prince of the twilight gates, Lord of the eternal duat
Be thou as a guiding light unto me, as I traverse the darkness
Without thee, I am blind and deaf to all save thy unmovable love
Strong are you, O mighty one of the Udjat eye
Whom did form the fathomless twilight haze

Thou art union of Luna and Solar
The lord of life and unlife
Oh master who guideth his follower through the halls of Shadow
Breaking those whom would deter him, Holy art thou Anpu!
Mine lord
Ma'at is with thee and I give my love unto thou
For you art the Lord of Libation, and keeper of the secrets
Bearer of the Holy Seal and Sceptre, For thou expel the enemy from the twilight temple
Thou didst cut me a path through the reeds with thine knife
For you art him, behold thou art him who is silent!

Take me in thy Ka my lord, My heart shines in love of thou
Enfold me in thy essence, Oh He who walks un-hindered through the Darkness
Thy name is the one who brings Ma'at to the wastes
Thou art the master, the true light of mine being,
Thou art the eternal twilight

Thursday, 10 May 2012

An introduction to energy work

Breath, is energy. Our vital force, that which we take in to sustain our body. It is said the breath is a mantra, spoken fuck knows how many times a day (Fuck knows being something like 10,000). It is important for the beginning magus to learn this basic Technique, that he may learn the fundamentals of such systems as Yoga and Qi-Gong are based upon.

Breath has an important part of pretty much all of those systems and similar. As we Inhale, air flows through our lungs and body, into the bloodstream. Thus we see the view point that the element of air is both Sanguine in the Four humours of Hippocrates, and rules the mind in modern Ceremonial Magick. The brain takes in the most blood being the greedy bastard that it is, and so the breath is a guidance of thought. The very vibrations of Air, form the vibrations that become our thought.

Because of this, proper usage of breath is essential to both mental, Physical and spiritual well being. The Magician will use his breathing to slow and focus his mind, to enter another mental state, To increase his personal endurance, and even cause change in his aura and Augment an object or person with energies of an Elemental or Otherworldy nature.

Of course Breath isn't the only thing that gives us energy, Food and such are also processed through the bloodstream. However, not in the same automatic way.

In this short Essay, I will instruct on the basics of Pore breathing, or skin breathing that you may invoke within yourself the energies about you and gain awareness of the aura.  The nature of this essay, is such that it doesn't matter if you work with Chakra's, Sephiroth or any other aspect of the self. This is probably the most flexible area of any magickal training and will serve the Neophyte, to the Adeptus.

Each time we breath, as I have said above, we take in energy. This breath is our thought and bread of the concious mind. Therefore, we may focus and place the will upon it, that the breath may become focused unto a specific goal and duty. When inhaling, take note that the thought held at that moment, is the energies of that specific mental idea. Such a thing is hardly an energetic imprint without focus or discipline, but it is still there to be registered and entered unto the body. This is why the mind and breath, and therefore the body are so closely linked.

This basic meditation will teach you the awareness of breath, and the awareness of your own energetic form. The second meditation, will teach you to invoke and comprehend the elemental energies, and the final one, something you may find difficult at first, is the manipulation of your own physical energies in the body and the outside world itself.

First, we shall focus on the body itself. Find your favoured meditation position, or if a yoga practitioner already, Asana. Ensure that it allows full accessability to your lungs, and that it does not cause air to be trapped. I also warn you, that this can be particularly un-pleasant if you have trapped wind ;) .

Sitting in this position, Begin to relax the body, Enter the state known as Shavashana, or the Corpse Pose. *THIS STAGE HAS to be done lying down on your back* The intent of this pose, is to completely relax the body and increase awareness of both physical, and Spiritual bodies. At this stage it is necassery to practice the four fold breath, breathing in for four seconds, holding four, then releasing four, to hold four again, then breath in again, the cycle repeating etc. Now beginning on the right foot, Focus upon it and visualise it, When you inhale, Tense the muscles and your toes as much as possible, then hold it for the few seconds. Finally on the exhale, feel the foot completely relax and become passive, all tension within banished. Repeat this on the next foot, then with your hands, then with your shoulders, then on your stomach and groin etc. It should end with your spine and upper back, Tense it up, and then on the exhale feel your entire back sink in to the floor with the release of all tension in the body.

The benefits of this, are total awareness of your physical body. You should after constant practice eventually become aware of nerve centers etc, that you didn't before. In the next parts of this small introduction, the benefits of this bodily awareness shall be worthwhile indeed.

Now that we have entered Shavashana, Begin focusing on the body and breath. Assume your favoured asana/pose and begin to breath with the Lower Lungs, then slowly fill the upper lungs with your breath. As you do this, focus on your ENTIRE body as a whole, and take note of what you feel. As you exhale, do so from the top lungs moving downward, and feel the breath leave your body.  I suggest attempting to gain awareness of your aura as you do this, and note the connection between it and your Body. Once this practice has been maintained for roughly five minutes, it is time to take note of our skin itself breathing in.

Our skin also breaths, and this is something not known by many so called "Adepts" which to be honest shocks me. Repeat the above exercise, however this time become aware of each part of your body as you did with the Shavashana/Corpse pose. Do not maintain focus on anyone part of the body for more than seven breaths and attempt to maintain balance between left and right.

After practising the above for a week, you should begin to feel the breath itself within each limb, and the blood flowing underneath your skin, and the organs below. Focus on your chest for example, and you will be given awareness as your heart beats and the blood is pumped throughout your body. Notice, that as you focus here, you suddenly feel the entirety of your blood supply moving about you, as if the heart is a giant energy control centre ;) By meditation here, you will eventually learn to slow or increase your heart beats per second.

I recommend practising this for two weeks at least, before moving onto the next area.

The next meditation I am going to give you, will teach you how to invoke elemental energies, and also provide the basics of genuine energetic vampirism. A subject of which, I will not teach however, I hardly need to if your actually capable of thinking for yourself, as the fundamentals taught here should provide a clear enough example of energy invoking. (Note: By invoking I don't mean ritual possession, I mean the drawing into the self)

Begin by performing the above methods, no need to elaborate them however the usage of prayer and ritual etc may assist you. If you plan on doing anything other than daily ritual or energetic workings, such as the bringing of change in the world then I advise you perform this meditation beforehand to allow the building of magickal energies.

The usual methods are performed, and during the meditative state, you should begin to focus upon the specific Elemental energy you desire to invoke. Begin focusing on the OUTSIDE world, and the attributes of that Element you wish to invoke. It is to be noted, that whilst the physical aspects of these elements should be invoked, you also need to take the spiritual aspects of them in too. Begin by focusing upon Fire, this being the most blatant and obvious elemental powers.

The element of fire, is of heat and power. It should feel active and refreshing. It's Alchemical nature is hot, and dry, being of a pure nature. Focus upon the energies of Fire, and feel them in the world around you. The room and the very air you breath, should Ebb with this energy. Will this energy, as you inhale to move with your breath, feel the powers of fire that enter you and empower you. The vibrations of fire travel through your own vibrations, under the direction of the mind. Feel also, this power embedd itself within your aura and visualise yourself in flames and alight, yet suffering no harm. It is important to maintain visualisation, as this is what alerts the subconscious to your actions, rather than Words. The effects, if done correctly usually bring about a slight warmth of the senses and body. Eventually, with constant practice (As in years) one is supposedly able to walk naked in the freezing cold, in fact according to Franz bardon, with this holds the ability to walk upon water, or Dry Sheets merely by the heat of your skin. I myself am not that adept yet, and will not make such claims, of which I am sceptical. Of the capabilities and powers gifted by such meditation however, it is true that they are potent indeed. It is important to note the Psychological profile of each element as you invoke it, as you will be taking this into yourself as well.

Fire may leave one, especially one un-attuned to it (IE: Highly developed in that aspect of there being both spiritually and mentally), Angry and violent, Over active and also extremely strong and sexually appealing. *Fire rules sex*

The physical attributes unto fire are Heat first, Dryness second, and weightlessness third. It should also give on an intense energy boost, that unlike the other elements does not leave one Melancholic, Light headed or Relaxed completely but may cause agitation instead. It should leave one feeling with a sensation of power and strength, Total aggression and sexuality itself in a passionate way.  Over all, fire rules the realm of energy that maintains alertness and conciousness. It is a Active an Expanding element, meaning it is usually growing, or getting bigger and moves TOWARDS objects.

When meditating upon fire, upon these aspects you focus upon.

The element of Air, follows the physical attributes of Weightlessness first, Moisture secondly, and Heat thirdly. It may make ones thoughts seem amazingly focused and processed, yet it may also leave one physically light headed and unbalanced. It may also cause ones physical body to weight less. Its mental and spiritual attributes are associated with the idea's of thought, focus, frivolity and playfulness, and new idea's should form with ease, it will also empower ones memory.

Overall, Air rules the process of thought and the mind, like fire it is both expanding and Active, however unlike fire who's primary nature is active, Air itself is Expanding primarily, hence some believe pore breathing with air can lead to levitation *Again of this I am sceptical*

Therefore, it is the positive nature of these things upon which one should meditate for Air.

Water, the opposite of fire has obvious physical attributions. The first of which being, Coldness, then Moisture, and then finally Weight, yet also associated with this weight is flexibility. It may if overly invoked, leave one with a drowning sensation of the lungs, that can actually feel quite pleasant due to the sheer amount of relaxation one may feel. (Overdosing on Air or water may even cause one to feel Drunk, Fire just makes you hyper and Earth will probably make you groggy though ;) ) Its primary aspects, are to do with the personality itself, both from an emotional point of view, and the way one reacts in subconscious self, seeing as the fire rules the active side of things, Water rules the Passive side.

The Element of Water, also reigns over emotions etc and also Shrinks into itself, and has an Attracting/Magnetic nature that draws things TOWARDS it.

Upon these are what you should meditate in order to attune to Water.

Finally, regarding the element of Earth, First of all, is the attribute of heavy Weight and unlike water, Rigidness. Also attributed is the factor of Cold, and also Dryness. The energies invoked in Earth, May not only ground you but may also make one feel groggy or melancholic, often lazy. The body itself will also begin to weigh a little more and become heavy. The element of earth, deals with the physical manifestation of things, and also rules the setting of ways and opinion, with ideas such as stubborn personality behaviour.

Ultimately, like Water we See earth primarily as a Passive and Contracting nature that shrinks and attracts things to itself. It also rules much of nature, mostly things such as plants and tree's and brick or stone. It is the shelter and home.

Upon these things you shall meditate for earth itself.

For example, if I wanted to make myself feel more awake in the morning, when I awoke I'd begin breathing fire energy into myself with the intent of it, while I'd be receiving ALL traits of fire, the specific trait upon which I focus upon should be the one I receive the most off.  Hence we can see, that little we cannot do with these elements under our control.

I will state, that the negative effects, despite common belief, DO occur even when used in moderation, unless one is under balanced in this element. I will also mention, that it should be the goal of the magician NOT to focus on a single element, at least not unless he plans on doing so to attune him to that element. In which case he should focus on that element alone, and then move on to the next one. For example, one may focus entirely upon the element of Water for 6 months, then after such a period they should effectively initiated themselves into its nature through daily meditation. During this period, they should of become capable of holding masses of water energies, and learn to ignore the negative effects of water energies, that they become immune to them, while fully integrating the positive nature of it into themselves IE: Total Calmness at all times and the ability to enter the subconscious and engage intuition with ease. Then they would move on to the next element of Earth or what ever they choose.

Such a method is effective, but restricts one from the usage of other elemental powers if you are to maintain the full effectiveness of it.

I would advise, that you begin with small amounts of energy at first, Bardon says 7 breaths of Elemental energy in this, Personally I say stop at one minute or so of Elemental breathing, the reason for stopping being that I have put someone who was not used to such energy in a fever, where they lost half a stone in a matter of 3 days, before a sudden recovery when I drained the energy from them. *occult based fevers are 80% of the time due to an energy over-dose*. Did I mention I was trying to heal her? Eventually resistance is built up, and I advise adding 15 to 30 seconds each session that you may prepare yourself fully for more powerful energies.

Naturally,I don't adhere to my limits either ;) and I recommend breaking them to push yourself...erm, just don't kill yourself?

Now that we have learned Elemental invocation, and its traits regarding ourselves. It is necessary for us, to begin focusing upon another important aspect of things. What? you didn't think I'd forgotten about the actual Manipulation of energies did you?

We've actually already undergone a basic system of Energetic manifestation and manipulation, if you noticed we Moved the external elemental energies before, into an internal state within ourselves, by the usage of breathing.

Now I'm going to teach you something similar.

As usual begin basic techniques, however this time do not assume an Asana, or lay down. Sit down, back straight and hold your hands to the side. Focus on these hands, and press them together. Eventually a small amount of pressure will build up inside of them, and now, using visualisation imagine them moving slightly. What should result, is a physical reaction, the pressure should move in the direction you will, simply because it is willed too.

But an important part of this, is the observation of energy. One must focus unto this energy so that you can actually sense it. Remember before when I told you to focus on your heart, and consequently your entire bloodstream? Do this now, and concentrate upon your heart. Feel the blood pump through your body, and attain awareness of your ENTIRE form. Notice how easier this is with practice?. Find an area of energy within the body (NOT IN AN ORGAN), and note how it moves. Eg: Left leg, lower shin, I might feel the energy waves moving upwards, or downwards. Try, just for a few second moving it in another direction (Do not go against its original direction though, Eg: It goes up, I don't go down, I go left) Maintain for 5 seconds, and then Return it to its original flow.

If you desire to heal yourself or another, tap into this, and focus the connecting energy too that area and increase the flow there (Or decrease, if you have to much tension in the area). For example, my left hand hurts. The energy in my left arm, runs downwards, from shoulder/Spine to hand. Therefore, I shift these energies and INCREASE the speed of which they flow to the hand. This may be done with internal organs too...

I don't advise it, however. It is a risky practice, one I myself am not confident enough to engage upon. Simply because you are altering your energetic Cycle, consequences here may be lethal...

You may also, do it in a much safer manner. This is simple, This time, focus not on the heart, but instead in the object/Organ you wish to Augment or heal. This is also the method for augmenting objects with Magickal effects.

Become one with that object or organ, and as you inhale, know that you are invoking the energies you desire too take into it, along with the effect you will to occur within it. Eg: I meditate upon my damaged stomach, I imagine myself as my stomach, and focus on breathing with my stomach *Organs breath too!* I focus on earthly energy, to increase the speed of my metabolism so that the food poisoning gets out my system *maybe thats not how it works, but what is this? a fucking biology lesson?* and I'm fine, wallah. I can do the same with a Talisman, and focus on giving it the elemental attribute of water, being that of illusion, so that I can make my ugly mug look like something sexually attractive to people.

The problem being with this in healing situations, is that you may take to much energy in and this will cause tension to rise within the organ.

The methods here, are simple and easily practiced. I advise daily practice of such, and that it is NOT the best instructions on this out there, It is just a simplistic system, that gives the beginner who doesn't feel like learning yoga or Ki Gong, something to work with.

With Regards, Wartyg96/Jackal/Billy AW